The Grove's Number 1 Programme
Our ambition at The Grove is to be the NUMBER 1 SCHOOL in the universe! This means that every child works hard to make the very best of their character and abilities and we all work together, as bits of a whole school jigsaw, to make our school the very best it can be.
Our Number 1 Programme focus for the academic year 2023/24, is all about Ambassadors for Equity and Fairness. At The Grove we believe that all stakeholders should feel successful and be able to succeed in all areas of school life. Our aim is to develop the children's understanding that fairness is not about treating everyone the same, fairness means everyone gets what they need to be successful. Our Grove community is diverse and we want to celebrate and be thankful for our differences and how unique every individual is. This will support children in being successful, compassionate and empathetic citizens in Modern Britain.
#1 Programme Jigsaw 2023-24