Life in Laurel Class
It is very hard to believe that we are now half-way through our first year at school! We have all made so much progress since the start of the year and have grown in so many ways.
This Term we have immersed ourselves in our topic ‘Rumble in the Jungle and wow, we have been busy!
Our term started with an incredible visit from ‘Tropical Discovery Workshops’. He showed us a range of weird and wonderful animals from a tarantula to snack! We were all so brave to investigate, touch or even hold the animals. We had many questions and Kris told us about how he kept the animals safe and looked after them.
One of our favourite weeks was learning all about Luna New Year. We made lanterns and even practised writing our name in Chinese! We have a magical box of curiosities all about China, which we have loved exploring and using dragons, masks and lovely tea sets in our play.
This term our writing has developed beautifully. Other teachers popped in to see the children’s writing and were so impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and independence. Well done all!
Despite learning about the topical conditions in rainforests, we had rather cold weather this term! Everyone in EYFS loved our daily gross motor practise and have particular enjoyed using the scooters and hoops. We enjoyed the cold snap earlier in the term and enjoyed experimenting with the ice.
What a wonderful term of learning and laughing in EYFS. We are excited to see how our school environment begins to change and we embrace our next topic ‘Spring into Action’.
Parent Information Evening Slides
Sounds Write Support - Pure Sounds
Topic Webs