Curriculum & Learning
The Grove Primary School Curriculum Intent
Our intent and vision is for The Grove to be a place where every child receives an exciting, rich and varied curriculum which supports them to make the very most of their abilities.
Alongside ensuring we fully deliver the requirements of the National Curriculum, we want our Grove Primary School curriculum to reflect the context and interests of our school and community. To that end, we have created a progressive curriculum, which is bought alive by opportunities that engage and motivate all children with their learning. We believe in delivering equitable learning experiences that enable all children to meet their possibility.
Termly topics, on a wide variety of themes, provide opportunities for us to take part in The Grove’s ‘Great Debate’, immerse ourselves in a whole class book, think about our place in the world and looking after the environment, make great use of our fantastic outdoor grounds, develop lifelong learning skills, the list goes on...
Our children talk enthusiastically about their learning and our teachers thoroughly enjoy working towards our next great adventures!
Please see our whole school topic overview for an insight into the wonderful Grove curriculum and visit our individual curriculum subject pages for detailed information about each area.
Whole School Curriculum Topic Overview
The Grove Great Debate
We want to give children termly public speaking opportunities and a way to use their persuasive writing skills in context. The Grove Great Debate encourages the children to share their views and opinions in a clear, persuasive way and also promotes listening skills as other children within the class get the opportunity to respond to each child’s debate point through rebuttals. Each year group has a different debate foci each term, linked to the current topic - see below.