Dear Parents/Carers,
Hope you are all keeping well and enjoying the sunshine!
Term 4 is flying by and the children continue to show their amazing resilience and hard work. I am constantly proud of each and every student with their attitude, their general manners and the way they approach each day. You should be very proud of them!
You may notice we are sending out the Friday Flyer in a different format this week... The feedback from the parent communication survey back in Term 3 showed that having a phone friendly Friday Flyer or Newsletter would be really helpful.
We have looked at various platforms and have gone with 'Sway'. We are really hoping this is much more friendly for you as parents to read and also to be able to see the photos more clearly. We have done a couple of trials and it has worked 100% so far... Please give any feedback as we really do welcome any you may have.
Mr Woodburn