Building Works 2024-2025 - Mobile Classroom Replacement
The Grove Primary School is to benefit from DFE and Wiltshire Council funding to improve the condition of our school buildings. This will enable the school’s old modular buildings currently used for Year 5 and Year 6 classes, and music and maths sessions for the whole of KS2, to be replaced with a new permanent block providing state of the art facilities for our pupils, staff and the local community.
The new block will also include a Resource Base to support children with Education Health Care Plans for Communication and Interaction needs. This project will not expand the school, but will significantly improve the learning environment and enable our pupils to thrive and flourish.
A team appointed by Wiltshire Council have been working carefully with us to design the new block to accommodate all of the required facilities whilst also keeping the building as compact and low impact as possible.
Please take a look at the pages in this section to see more information about the project, the consultation information below, and the planning application at