Meet the Governors
Jayne Bullock
Joining October 2017, I am proud to be Chair of Governors at The Grove Primary School and feel privileged to work alongside such a committed staff team to achieve the best outcomes for all Grove children. I have a particular Governor link to maths and highest attaining learners.
Working in education for over twelve years I currently manage Collaborative Schools Ltd co-ordinating the partnership working of the Trowbridge cluster.
Becky Denmeade
I am the Deputy Head and SENDCo at The Grove. This means that I get to work across the school with all of the children, parents and wider members of our Grove Community.
I enjoy keeping fit and regularly unwind with a gym session or short run in the evenings, something that I love to share with the children at the school during my involvement with sporting events such as the swimming gala and support of our school football team.
Ellie Alderdice
I am delighted to be part of the Governor team at The Grove. I joined as a member in April 2018. I have a child at The Grove who joined Foundation Stage in 2016 and I hope that my son will also come to the school. I currently work in Human Resources for a charity and hope that I have some skills that will be of value to the school. I think we have a fantastic school and I am very proud to be part of it!
Ellie Timms
I have been a governor at The Grove since February 2015, both of my children had incredibly positive experiences here and I felt like I wanted to give something back to the school and I just can't seem to leave!
I very much enjoy supporting the fantastic staff to provide all of the children at The Grove with a really positive school experience.
I joined the Governing body in September 2020 and I am delighted to be part of the team. Prior to having my children I was a primary school teacher in Wiltshire and loved it. My eldest is currently at The Grove and hopefully in a few years my youngest will be too. I am passionate about Education and all things that make school such a wonderful place for children. In my free time I like to bake and draw.
Sophie Miller
Danny Holland
As a parent who has had two children spend seven years at The Grove it has been a pleasure to watch it grow into the wonderful school it is today! Becoming a governor is an absolute honour and an opportunity to give something back.
Jen McMillan
Having spent forty years in education as a teacher and headteacher, I was thrilled to join The Grove governing board in April 2023. I am passionate about giving children the best opportunities during their time in school, in preparation for later life - a passion which I share with the school team. I currently chair the Curriculum and Education Committee and I am the link governor for English.
Dawn Bryant
I joined the Grove in January 2020 as the Clerk to the Governing Body. I have been a Clerk since 2011 and continue to support other schools within Wiltshire in this role.
Mike Hill
I am pleased to be a parent governor for The Grove Primary School. I have been a governor since September 2020 and thoroughly enjoy the role. I have been working in Special Education for the past 16 years in a variety of roles and am proud to support The Grove. The team at The Grove are fantastic and the children thrive under their support and I am happy to be a part of the team.
Lesley Shellard
I joined the Governing body in September 2023, and it is an honour to be back!
My son attended Grove from 1999 until 2006 and within that time I was the Chair of FOGS (now POTS) and a Governor. My Grandson is now at Grove and having done a year as part of the POTS team I wanted to reprise a role within the Governing body too.
I work as an administrator now, but for over 30 years I worked in Early Years, and I maintain a passion for children reaching their potential in a supportive and stimulating environment… the Grove team offer this.
In my spare time I love to get out the craft resources with my Grandson and watch his parents faces when there is paint and glitter everywhere. Cooking is a passion; I get a lot of pleasure feeding people, desserts are my forte although I don’t like them myself.
Grove is in my blood as I also spent my primary education here too. I look forward to supporting the superb team in the coming years.