Life in Almond Class
Wow, what a whirlwind of a term we have had here in Year 2! This term, we have been fully immersing ourselves into the world of The Victorians.
In English, we have been focussing on writing non-chronological reports all about Florence Nightingale. We have done lots of reading and research about her life and used this new knowledge to write a report all about her! We have been so impressed by how much our writing has improved in the last 3 terms and we have seen lots of children moving onto new writing targets!
In our Reading lessons we have focussed on two sensational books. Major Glad and Major Dizzy as well as Queen Victoria’s Bathing Machine. We have all enjoyed getting to know the characters in these stories and gaining a deeper understanding of Victorian life!
In Maths this term, we have learnt all about money. We were even able to play ‘shop’ in one lesson, this meant that we could use money to ‘buy’ items, give change and show off all the skills we had learnt! At the end of the term, we started our big topic all about ‘multiplication and division’. We have loved seeing how confident we already are about our times tables and can’t wait to see how much more we know by the end of this topic!
Excitingly, this term in RE, we have been learning all about the religion of Islam. We have been very fortunate to have the wonderful Mrs Touray and Amira teach us all about their religion. They showed us some beautiful prayer mats! We were all so interested to hear all about this amazing religion, thank you again to Mrs Touray and Amira, we all loved it!
Of course, we can’t forget all the amazing work we have completed for our Victorians topic! We have been able to learn about life in the Victorian times, seen how different children’s lives would have been in the Victorian times and found out about some very famous Victorian people! It has been amazing to see the enthusiasm and excitement from the children as they talk about the Victorians.
Our absolute highlight of the term was our topic day that included a visit from Reading Museum! We spent the day taking part in lots of different immersive workshops where we got to see Victorian toys and hear about what life as a Victorian child would have been like! We even got to make our own cup and ball, which is a toy that children would have played with during the Victorian times.
It has been a brilliant start to 2025 in Year 2, and we can’t wait to see what next term has in store for us. Our next topic will be ‘Where the Wild Things Are’, based off the amazing book by Maurice Sendak. We look forward to seeing you all after the half term break.
Please see the Parent Information Evening slides below to find out how you can best support your child at home.
See also the Topic Web below to find out about the parts of the National Curriculum we will be covering this term.
If you have any queries or concerns, please see Miss Williams at the end of the school day or drop an email to the class email page – almondclass@grove.wilts.sch.uk
Parent Information Evening Slides
Topic Webs