Life in Silver-Birch
Year One have made a fantastic start to 2025! As part of our topic ‘Commotion in the Ocean’. We have written the story of ‘Tiddler’ in our own words and then created new adventures for him. He certainly got into a lot of scrapes! We also enjoyed reading the story ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ which taught us a lot of new and exciting vocabulary. We used some of these words in our own writing. Mrs Honey (Brae’s Mum) very kindly came in to tell us all about scuba diving. We loved hearing about her adventures under the sea and it inspired us to write our own adventure stories with Mrs Honey as the main character! We also wrote lots of questions to ask her.
In Maths, we have been working hard to partition 2 digit numbers into tens and ones. We practised this lots of times in the classroom using Diennes and place value boards.
We have done lots of investigations in Science to find out about the properties of everyday materials, for example testing which materials are magnetic and which are waterproof. We are also learning to work scientifically by observing closely and then talking about what we found out.
We have loved learning to programme Beebots in our Computing lessons and we are now able to give them some complex commands moving forwards, backwards and turning left or right. Whilst doing this, we have also worked really well in small groups, taking turns and listening to each other.
We have really enjoyed our Dance lessons this term. We have worked individually, in small groups and then as whole class to put movements together to create a sequence which represents the weather. We have been learning to move with control and follow different pathways.
In History, we have been learning all about the Titanic. The children have been interested and excited to understand what happened, how it happened and when it happened. We have been able to recount the events in order, retell the story and put ourselves in the role of a first and third class person during our role play afternoon.
In DT we have been learning to thread a needle and do a simple stitch to make felt fish. Then we decorated the fish. In Art and Design we have learnt about the artist, Henri Matisse, and we created an under the sea collage in the style of him. We have also been looking at seascapes painted by various artists and have created our own painted seascapes in our art books using watercolour and poster paint.
In English, we have been looking at the story of Tiddler, retelling and innovating it with our own twist. We loved this so much! We also had a special guest Mrs Honey in to talk to us about Scuba Diving and this helped us to write our own adventure story as a Scuba Diver.
We hope you have a wonderful and restful half term break and we look forward to welcoming back the children for a fun and busy second half to Year One!
Parent Information Evening Slides
Topic Webs