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Life in Silver-Birch

What a wonderful, busy term it has been! We have enjoyed our topic, ‘All Under One Roof’, and have learnt that families are all wonderfully different.  We started off the term reading the book, ‘The Great Big Book of Families’ which we found really interesting. We then moved on to our next topic book, ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’ which we thoroughly enjoyed. We used this book to complete extended pieces of writing. We are really pleased with the writing the children produced and the progress they have made so far this year. We also re-enacted parts of the story through drama which was a lot of fun!

This term in Maths, we have been looking at addition and subtraction along with 2D and 3D shapes. We have been learning about the relationship between adding and subtracting and have worked hard to learn fact families

In PSHE, we have been looking at valuing difference and the children have shared and spoken about people who are special to them. We have also talked about what we can do to make sure everyone feels safe and supported.

In Geography, we have spent time looking at our local area and identifying places in the local and town centre area. The children really enjoyed recognising shops and places they have been to themselves in Trowbridge.

In Art and Design, we started the term making clay poppies - the children enjoyed moulding and shaping the clay, then once the clay had dried, the children painted their poppies. They were very pleased with their creations. We then looked at the work of Pablo Picasso and Cubism art. We created Picasso inspired self-portraits. First, we used pencil and pencil crayon to create a Picasso inspired self-portrait then we produced a collage portrait. The end results were superb! In Design and Technology we have been making gingerbread men and decorating them.

As Christmas approaches, we have thought a lot about the importance of giving gifts in our RE lessons. We brought in gifts that we have been given and talked about how we feel when we receive gifts. We worked in small groups to make story sticks to help us retell the Christmas story and remember the gifts that baby Jesus was given.

We all worked so hard during our rehearsals for our nativity ‘Lights, Camel, Action – The Sequin!’ to learn the words and actions to all the songs and sing with such enthusiasm. We performed our songs and dances brilliantly and we know that everyone was so impressed and proud of our Year Ones!

Finally, the Year One Team would like to wish all the children and their families a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! 

Parent Information Evening Slides

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