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Home School Agreement

Free School Meals

  • You must be in receipt of one of the benefits shown below to be eligible for free school meals for your child or children.
  • (you must not be entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs) that does not exceed £16,190 (April 2012))

    If you currently receive Working Tax Credit (other than the ‘run-on’) you are not eligible to claim.

  • Free school meals are available to eligible children that attend school within Wiltshire, on a fulltime basis who are in receipt of certain benefits. This includes nursery children (of compulsory school age) who attend school fulltime and sixth form students (but not college or Further Education level students). If you live in Wiltshire, but your child attends schools in another Local Authority area (e.g. Somerset, Hampshire or Swindon), you should apply via that Local Authority.
  • Wiltshire Council are now able to check entitlement to free school meals via a secure government website, which links to your benefit providers. However, if the eligibility checking service (ECS) has not been able to verify your entitlement, they will then need to contact you to ask for evidence to show you are currently in receipt of one of the eligible benefits.
  • Claims cannot be backdated. The date of entitlement is the date that is used to confirm your eligibility, using the ECS or paperwork supplied. 
  • Please click here to apply for Free School Meals.

School Uniform

School uniform can be purchased from Trowbridge Schoolwear, Stallard Street.



Reducing absence from school is a key priority at both national and local level. Missing school reduces a pupil’s educational attainment and life chances. Holidays in term time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. 

If a child’s total unauthorised leave of absence amounts to 10 or more sessions (5 school days), continuous or aggregated within the previous six months within the current academic year the Education Welfare Service will be notified. The six months includes all unauthorised leave of absence up to the day the Education Welfare Service is notified.


Medicines in school:

  • In accordance with Ofsted regulations, the school follows guidelines on the administration of medicines as directed by Wiltshire Council.
  • This means that the school is only able to administer medicines in exceptional circumstances.  Medicines where the doctor has prescribed a dosage of 3 times a day can be given before school, after school and again at bedtime.  However, we do accept that occasionally there may be a specific reason that treatment is required at lunchtime, e.g. Ritalin tablets for ADHD.  If your child must be treated at lunchtime then we will require this in writing from your doctor or the time stipulated actually on the medication itself.
  • In some cases it may be necessary to complete an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) for your child and in such circumstances medication will be administered according to that plan.
  • Medication will only be accepted if it is clearly labelled with the child’s details and instructions for use.
  • Parents/carers are also responsible for ensuring that medicines such as Ventolin Inhalers and Epipens and labelled and up to date.


School Places 2022

Applications for primary school places 2021 should be made to Wiltshire Council by 15th January 2022.

Click here to apply

The School Admissions Customer Service Team can be contacted on 01225 713010


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