Life in Willow Class
We have had a truly magical term in Year 5! A great highlight for us all was our Magic Day. The children had a lovely time dressing up and participating in performance poetry. We also enjoyed a fizzy drink and sweet treat in the outdoor classroom. In our Science lessons we have learned about separating materials, and had the gruesome task of working out how to scientifically separate the ingredients (including paper clips, eyeballs and worms!).
We have read the story ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and have been so impressed and proud of the children’s enthusiasm for writing and performing poetry based on this text. Many of the children have actually continued to do this in their spare time, which has been lovely to see.
History this term has involved a journey of learning about how health care and medicine has evolved through time. We began with finding out about the Ancient Greek belief in the four humours before moving on to learn about Cholera and the great vaccine pioneer, Edward Jenner. The children were extremely interested in making comparisons between Covid 19 and the (very similar) Spanish flu epidemic in 1918. Our most recent discussions have been about the creation and introduction of the NHS and the tremendous impact that this has had on our society.
In music, alongside practising for our Christmas performances, we have used the IPADS and an app called GarageBand to compose our own pieces of music.
Along with special dates and events such as Anti Bullying week, Remembrance Day and Christmas Jumper Day, we have also been lucky enough to benefit from the quality first aid learning provided by the Wiltshire Air Ambulance Education Team – this was such a brilliant session, and the children really enjoyed learning such valuable potentially life-saving skills.
Parent Information Evening Slides
Topic Webs