Enrichment Clubs
Enrichment Clubs
We are delighted to be able to offer a large and exciting range of enrichment clubs at The Grove. Children are able to choose from a wide range of interesting activites and the club timetable is reviewed three times per year (every Autumn, Spring and Summer) to ensure all pupils are given a fair opportunity to attend and to maintain interest.
Many of our clubs are over subscribed and we are lucky enough to be able to offer Football clubs run by Emil Kartelski, a UEFA “A” Level Coach who has coached the national team in Bulgaria and has extensive knowledge of the sport!
Parents must re-apply for clubs at the end of Term 6, Term 2 and Term 4 (for clubs to refresh at the beginning of Terms 1, Term 3 and Term 5).
Registers are taken at the beginning of every club session. If children are unable to attend a club session for any reason, it is vital that parents report this to the school office in advance of the absence. The admin team follow up any unexplained club absences with a phonecall to parents, all children must be accounted for.
Club absences may be reported via absence@grove.wilts.sch.uk or alternatively club absence messages may be left on our pupil absence line 01225 755242 *Option 1.
Children must be collected promptly after each club from The Key Stage 2 Playground.
Behaviour - Clubs
We are delighted to be able to offer Enrichment clubs for Terms 3 & 4, starting on Monday 13th January 2025 and finishing on Thursday 3rd April 2025.
Term 3 Clubs will start 13th January and finish 13th February.
Term 4 Clubs will start 24th February and finish 3rd April.
Signing Up (Deadline Monday 9th December at the very latest)
Please use the form in your ParentMail form tab to select from the list which clubs your child would like to apply for. All replies should be returned by Monday 09.12.24 at the latest. You will be informed of club allocations via email before the start of Term 4.
Where interest exceeds the number of spaces available, names will be pulled from a hat.
Once places have been confirmed payment items will be created on ParentMail so that you may pay online. This is with exception of Golf & Football with Emil. Please pay these providers directly and payment should be made during the first club session. Payments for clubs must be made by Tuesday 7th January and your child's place is not secure until payment is received. If payment is not received by this date your child's place may be offered to another child.
There is no expectation for parents of Pupil Premium children to pay for school led clubs, however there is no reduction in cost for outside agency clubs for Pupil Premium children.