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Year Group Expectations

EYFS Folder(1)
Year 1 Folder(1)
Year 2 Folder
Year 3 Folder
Year 4 Folder
Year 5 Folder
Year 6 Folder

PE Vocabulary

What our children think of PE at The Grove

My favourite thing about PE is working in groups and playing warm up games (Oscar – Year 1)

My teacher really helps me get better at PE (Elaycia – Year 2)

I really like PE as I can be competitive. I feel really proud when we win a game (Oliver – Year 2)

PE is great as it helps us develop skills such as catching, throwing and running, it challenges us and we get to work with other children (Georgia – Year 2)

My favourite subject is PE because you get to do different sorts of activities every term and it’s really fun – Oliver (Year 2)

The great thing about PE is that we do lots of different activities throughout the year. My favourite is dance (Ro – Year 3)

I really like our end of unit competitions against each other and sometimes against the other class (Jasper – Year 3)

PE is my favourite subject because I like playing games – Freddie (Year 3)

I like being able to be creative in gymnastics and dance (Braxton – Year 3)


PE is my favourite subject because it keeps me active and helps me focus on my work – Oliver (Year 4)

My favourite subject is PE because you learn to play different sports and do exercise – Diamond (year 4)

PE is my favourite subject as it gives me an opportunity to stay fit and healthy and also develop my skills in sports that I like doing (Joey – Year 5)

PE is my favourite subject because it is one of the only subjects that is outside so you can get fresh air. I also like it because PE is a sporty subject and I’m sporty – Rhys (Year 6)

In my opinion, PE is the best subject because you get to explore so many different sports, in so many different and fun ways as well as learning how to play them – Connor (Year 6)

My favourite subject is PE because I like going outside and keeping fit – Kadon (Year 6)

PE is good as it gives us the opportunity to develop our leadership skills. I really like to officiate some of the small games we do in our lessons (Maddie – Year 6)

Useful and Fun Websites and Apps

Super Movers

Fun curriculum linked resources to get children moving while they learn.


Fun exercises to do at home with kids! Whether it is a rainy day or the school holidays, it can be difficult to find things to do with children to keep them active at home. Have a look at our easy ways to get you and your kids moving.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Interactive adventures and stories which build strength, balance and confidence – and gets kids into yoga and mindfulness early!

Go Noodle

Get children moving and practicing mindfulness with GoNoodle®. Start watching now and get access to hundreds of videos! 

Joe Wicks

Home workouts to help you get, stronger, healthier and happier.

Fitness Kids

The aptly named Fitness Kids app will keep your kids entertained with over 25 animated exercises that they can practice with this nifty kid’s fitness app. This fitness app for kids makes things interesting by offering two modes: Training and Joust. The former will provide tutorials while the latter will allow kids to compete against other kids who are also using the app.

FitQuest Lite

FitQuest Lite is a unique app that encourages kids to walk over 10,000 steps per day by using fun puzzles to motivate kids to take more steps: the more steps they take, the more puzzles they unlock which they then get to play. This particular kids’ activity app focuses on jogging, hopping and dancing. On Google Play and the Apple Store.

Sports Leaders

Sports Leaders

Pictured, are some of this year’s Sports Leaders. Throughout the year they will be working across the school to support children in being physically active, helping run activity sessions. They will also be working on developing the playgrounds further to provide more activity and equipment to use during the children’s playtimes.

Sports Leaders
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