Life in Beech Class
This term, we have been on the edge of our seats looking at World Record Breakers. Our Record Breaker’s Day was a huge success as we spent the day competing together in friendly competition to break some records of our own.
Over the past term, the children have created some fantastic medals in Art. They have used sculpture techniques to create interesting patterns for their medals. All of the children have done a fantastic and creative job, and are very proud of their designs.
This term we have been focusing on our Times Tables. With the introduction of Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS), the children have improved their times tables knowledge and are enjoying a healthy dose of competition!
In our writing, we have produced some fantastic explanation texts about bicycles – linking to our topic book ‘The Boy Who Biked the World’. In addition, we wrote a diary entry as though we were Phillippe Petit embarking on his record-breaking journey across the twin towers on a wire!
Have a happy and safe half term. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces for our next term’s topic – My Ideal World!
Parent Information Evening Slides
Topic Webs