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Forest School

Benefits of Forest School

The benefits of general forest school activities are;

1. Confidence: This was characterised by self-confidence and self-belief that came from the children having the freedom, time and space, to learn, grow and demonstrate independence.

2. Social skills: The children demonstrated an increased awareness of the consequences of their actions on other people, peers and adults, and acquired a better ability to work co-operatively with others.

3. Language and communication: The children developed more sophisticated uses of both written and spoken language prompted by their visual and sensory experiences at Forest School.

4. Motivation and concentration: This was characterised by a keenness to participate in exploratory learning and play activities as well as the ability to focus on specific tasks for extended periods of time.

5. Physical skills: The children developed physical stamina and their gross motor skills through free and easy movement round the Forest School site. They developed fine motor skills by making objects and structures.

6. Knowledge and understanding: Increased respect for the environment was developed as well as an interest in their natural surroundings. Observational improvements were noted as the children started to identify flora and fauna.

7. New perspectives: The teachers and practitioners gained a new perspective and understanding of the children as they observed them in a very different setting and were able to identify their individual learning styles.

8. Ripple effects beyond Forest School: The children brought their experience home and asked their parents to take them outdoors at the weekend or in the school holidays. Parent’s interest and attitude towards Forest School changed as they saw the impacts on their children.

Source: Report – An Evaluation of Forest School in England – Murray & O’Brien 2006

Benefits of being outside in a natural environment:

Stress relief: Being outside in a natural environment has been shown to relieve stress by reducing the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in the brain. Children are increasingly assaulted by stressful environments (media, increasing emphasis on targets and testing, screen time, ever busier urban environments), being out in the woods gives them a much needed time to relax, enjoy themselves and have some stress free time.

Connection to nature: Children are increasingly being kept indoors because of the understandable problems of traffic and concerns over safety while being unsupervised. As a result some are missing out on the opportunity to get out and connect with nature on a personal level. Forest school gives them the time and opportunity to do that. Connecting with nature will allow our future generations understand and value the natural world.

Benefits of using tools and fire:

Children will be introduced to tools and fire in a controlled and progressive way so that they learn about managing risk for themselves. They will learn to ensure the safety of both themselves and for others by learning simple safety procedures under the close supervision of the forest school leader. They will benefit from improved fine and gross motor skills, confidence from achieving something from using tools, communication skills, teamwork, coordination and designing and planning skills.

Extra Benefits:

· Rich supply of resources and materials for use in other curriculum areas.

· Chance for staff to observe students in a different setting.

· Opportunities for staff to learn new skills, and enjoy the benefits of FS too!

· Offers an alternative to our over reliance on digital and electronic sources for recreation, learning, socialising

· Offers an opportunity to become fitter and healthier.

· Participants learn to recognise and assess risks for themselves.

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