Life in Sycamore Class
Reception have had a magical second term at school learning some of the most classic fairy tales. While we have read many wonderful fairy tales we particularly enjoyed The Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Ginger Bread Man!
We began the term by learning about the Hindu Festival of Lights, Diwali. We made the most wonderful lanterns to place tea lights in, dressed up in authentic clothes and even explored a range of amazing artefacts. We all agreed that Diwali sounds extremely special!
Towards the end of the term Christmas excitement began. We certainly have been busy with a pantomime, craft evening, Christmas jumper day, festive baking, productions and plenty of Christmas activities. The children had a wonderful attitude towards their nativity and really enjoyed learning the songs, actions and even lines. The children looked stunning in their costumes and all absolutely shone on the stage. We could not have been more proud of our youngest Grove members.
Is there anything more festive than freshly baked gingerbread people? The children used their wonderful baking and fantastic decorating skills to make the most wonderful sweet treats.
The children have all loved getting their teeth into Sounds-Write this term. We have now learned 16 sounds and can write many three letter words. The children have amazed us with their focus, enthusiasm and commitment to Sounds-Write. We can’t wait to start the next unit in January!
Reception are such a wonderful group of children. We are so lucky to have them in our Grove Family.
Parent Information Evening Slides
Sounds Write Support- Pure Sounds
Topic Webs