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Purpose of the Eco-Warriors

The Eco-Warriors are a group of children with a simple mission: to ensure the school is doing everything it can to protect the environment of the grounds around us and make a positive change for the future. They meet termly to discuss the impact of any actions they have undertaken and to look at new ways to ensure our school is as green as can be. So far this has been very successful, with children all across the school becoming more empowered to recycle, use renewable materials, and ensure we are accountable for the amount of plastics we use. Such has been the impact of our tremendous Eco-Warriors, are school is proud to wave the Eco-School flag and we are keen to keep this going for many more years.


There are twenty Eco-Warriors in total, with two children representing each class in EYFS and KS1 and one child per class in KS2. The children are voted for by their peers, after sharing views on why they should represent their class in this role.

Our aims

Our aim is to improve areas in the school’s outdoor environment.

One key area for improvement is the pond area within our woods. We will work with the School Council, parents and our local community to develop the pond and wildlife area.

The recycling display and collection area in KS2 needs a new mural and signage. The Eco Warriors will be working together to design and create a mural and posters for this area.

EYFS currently collect fruit waste from their daily snack. This year our aim is to place collection bins in the KS1 classrooms and to purchase a composting bin, which will be located near the KS1 playground. The Eco Warriors will place their classes waste in the compost bin at playtime. Our aim is to make compost that will be suitable to use on the school’s allotments.

Linking with our POTS fundraising group the Eco-Warriors will promote the recycling project Rags to Riches to a wider audience including our neighbours. As well as raising valuable funds for the school the project involves recycling unwanted clothes which helps the environment.

Our final aim is to look at ways of reducing the school’s carbon footprint. We will research projects to see if the items we use in school can be recycled and reused. We will also look at the use of items such as paper towels to look at alternatives or ways of reducing the amount we are using.

Science Week 2024

Let’s Count!

The Big Plastic Count

The Eco-Warriors collected data to represent the plastic waste thrown away by pupils and staff in school. They had to count the amount of plastic waste each day during Science week then complete a data sheet. This was handed in and collated to show how much plastic we throw away as a school. The results were very promising and shows that overall The Grove does not use a lot of throw away plastic.

Two action points that were identified were:

Year 3 – Some children are using throw away plastic drink bottles instead of reusable bottles.

Action: Oliver is going to continue monitoring this during term 5

The recycling bags are removed every day, sometimes they do not have much in them. Can the bag stay in the bin until it is full?

Action: Eco – Warriors are going to talk to Mr Gallagher about the use of the clear recycling bags.

Our Eco-Warriors

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