Resource Base Consultation
Resource Base Consultation EQUA Mead Learning Trust, in response to a request from Wiltshire Council, proposes to create a Resource Base (a Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision) at The Grove Primary School. This proposal has been developed in response to the increased demand for special educational needs provision in the West Wiltshire area. Should the creation of the Resource Base be agreed, EQUA Mead, the Local Authority and The Grove Primary School will work together to ensure that all admissions are handled effectively and efficiently.
The Resource Base will be set up with an SEN designation of ‘Communication and Interaction’ to support the needs of children who have an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP). Under this proposal the base would cater for up to 20 children, and would receive children with SEN from the local area, not limited to the school’s mainstream catchment. It would plan to open in September 2025, filling the additional places at a level and rate to ensure the quality and future success of the provision. The Published Admission Number of the school will remain the same and not be impacted by this proposal.
It is important that we hear the views of our stakeholders, therefore, please take time to look at the full consultation document below and share your views with us by emailing:
All responses to the consultation must be clearly identifiable as a consultation response in the title of the email. Please avoid sending in any comments/response as part of a separate email regarding another issue or topic.